Friday, May 7, 2010

Earth Day Image

Sound Image - Water Droplets

The water droplets represent the sound of water moving calmly.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Word Cloud

I used Kenyon font with an indian color with the text randomly placed.

Implied Movement Art

Jun Kaneco Art

Environmental Animation

Ideas For Project

Want to do poster about the environment. I want to put it in Tatnall Square Park that really remind people to be Green, and in a creative way.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

lines - scared

Psychic Line

Straight, Actual Lines

"Fashion Color Report for 2010"

"Color can provide a feeling of comfort or fantasy. Don’t be afraid of experimenting with color."

Color - Blue

Focal Point - Contrast

Emphasis - Isolation

Repition of Form

The piece of artwork is done by Andy Worhol. They are a a bunch of different kinds of campbell soups. It is a repetition of form because the cans all look the same and are arranged perfectly in line with each other.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Tight Grid - (Bottom Photo) Roger Patrick, Grid Painting #4. 2007

Loose Grid - (Top Photo) Alyse Radenovic, Grid 2008, 2008

Gestalt 2 - Similarity/Proximity

This picture represents proximity/similarity Gestalt principles

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gestalt - Proximity of Unity


The top piece of art is an example of high key value while the bottom is an example of low key value.

Symmetric and Asymmetric Art

The Image on the top is an example of a symmetrically balanced art while the one on the bottom is an example of asymmetrically balance art.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Emily Gomez Painting

I chose this picture by Emily Gomez to demonstrate a sense of balance and and value. At first glance, this picture seems to be unbalanced because of the mound in the background. But when you step back and admire the picture, everything is put together to give a sense of casual balance. By making the road up to the mound winding and the grass itself winding, it counterbalances the offset mound. The two tallest trees whose midpoint is in the middle give the picture a sense of equilibrium. This picture is a good example of assymetrical balance.
The focal point for this picture is definitely the mound. The mound is a darker gray and is contrasted and made as the focal point by surrounding the mound with very light grays and white. This creates value emphasis on the mound. The trees are also brought out as another focal point in the same way to help balance the picture. Different achromatic grays are used to contrast each other to create a sense of depth, value, and color.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I really liked this artwork by Andy Goldsworthy because of the mistique around it. I love the curious nature of this art piece that makes the viewer wonder what the rocks are highlighting. In the middle of the rocks is a hole of emptiness that makes the reader think that either a creature lives there and has made his home and the rocks are protecting it, or that the rocks are there to highlight the glory of some glorious treasure deep within the cave.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Project Ideas

My idea is that I want to make a star wars public art representation of an area on Mercer's Corridor Hall. I want to be able to photoshop these two pictures into a picture of part of Mercer's Corridor Hall. I want to make a statue representation of Anakin Skywalker and another of Darth Vader. The goal is to present Anakin Skywalker as a very 'good' guy and Darth Vader as a very 'bad' guy. This will remind the masses of the fine line between being a successful and good guy versus being an evil man. Since college is one of the most trying of times for people, it will remind people that they must be good.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Many Faces of Darth Vader

The "Many Faces of Darth Vader" statue is a Darth Vader representation of the face of the Statue of Liberty. This statue was put up at a Star Wars convention in Los Angeles, California.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

You don't know the power of the dark siiiiiiide

The content of the picture is to show that the jedi are good and the sith are bad. The form illustrates this by showing the jedi in a light blue aura versus showing the sith in a dark red aura with flames. This form is showing that the jedi are like heaven's warriors by showing them in a heaven like color scheme and the sith are the devil's advocates by showing them in a hell-like color scheme. In reality, the sith don't necessarily view themselves as evil. They just try to accomplish making the world a better place by obtaining ultimate power and changing the world through force.